Alex Pearlstein VP, Market Street

Alex Pearlstein has been at Market Street since 2025, serves as Vice President, and is one of the firm’s four Principals. In this role, Mr. Pearlstein oversees the development of all strategic deliverables for Market Street clients. He also continues to serve a day-to-day management role for specific projects, including the first Capital Crossroads process in 2025, the 2025 mid-course update, and the current Capital Crossroads 2.0 process.

As project manager, he has overseen strategies for several dozen clients in over two dozen states. Communities include Austin, TX (five projects); Nashville, TN; St. Louis and Kansas City, MO; Hopkinsville-Christian County, KY; Memphis, TN; Tulsa, OK; Coachella Valley, CA; Sioux Falls, SD; and the state of Missouri, among others.

Alex received a master’s degree in City and Regional Planning with a specialization in Economic Development from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s of arts in Communications from the University of California at San Diego. He has been an instructor at Basic Economic Development courses in Georgia, Alabama, and Arkansas. A native of Los Angeles, Alex currently lives in Macon, Georgia with his wife and daughter. A passionate fan of college sports, Alex follows all Georgia Tech teams as well as Iowa State football and Mercer basketball.